Before QFS2010
Supersolidity 2010 26 - 30 July, 2010Department of Physics, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France balibar/supersolidity-2010.html
Supersolidity 2010 will bring together theorists and experimentalists actively working in this exciting field, to discuss new ideas and recent results in an informal setting.
CC-20108th Conference on Cryocrystals and Quantum Crystals July 26-31, 2010, Chernogolovka, Moscow region, Russia
Goal : bringing together top-level experts, both experimentalists and theorists, for presentation and discussion of recent research results in the field of cryocrystals and quantum crystals.
After QFS2010
Satellite Workshop “Cold Gases meet Many-BodyTheory" in Grenoble, August 7, 2010
The satellite workshop of QFS 2010"Cold Gases meet Many-Body Theory" aims to bring together the two communities of quantum fluids and cold gases in order to stimulate fruitful interactions and to explore the application of quantum many-body methods to cold gases.
Registration : contact by mail the organisers (see Web site)
Satellite Workshop “Quantum Fluids and Solids : Neutrons and X-rays studies”
Saturday, August 7th, from 9:00 to 18:00, Place : Grenoble - ILL. Organisers : H. Schober, H.-J. Lauter, B. Fak, J. Bossy and H. Godfrin. This workshop will gather the world’s experts in the theory and experimental properties of quantum fluids investigated by neutron scattering, X-rays, and other techniques giving access to the structure and elementary excitations of quantum fluids and solids.
Satellite Workshop “Quantum Turbulence”
Saturday, August 7th, Grenoble. Organisers : Andrei Golov (University of Manchester), Philippe Roche (Institut Néel, CNRS/UJF, Grenoble). The Session will consist of talks (about 15 minutes each) focusing on most recent advances and important issues of turbulence in superfluids - both at high and low temperatures. Ample time for discussions will be provided. The preliminary program will be circulated by mid-July. The final program of the session will be released during the QFS.