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Abstract submission to QFS2010
A) Download the files needed to prepare your Abstract
1) Download the style file QFS2010abs.sty and the template (example file) einstein_QG_theory.tex (click here to download the files) (and here for McIntosh format)
2) Download these instructions (click here)
B) Prepare your Abstract TeX file
1) Use the template to generate the TeX file of your Abstract. Simply replace the text of the template by your own text. Follow the instructions given in the template.
2) The maximum space for your text is limited. To check the space available and the length of your text, uncomment the « \MakeFrametrue » line. After checking, place again the « % » symbol in front of this line.
3) Note that you should select a « Sorting category » for your Abstract. The sorting categories and codes are found below and in the template. Uncomment only one of the sorting codes following the example.
C) Rename your abstract file in the format :
<last name of first author>_<sorting code>_<theory or expt>.tex
for example : einstein_QG_theory.tex
D) We shall convert your TeX file to pdf.
If possible, check that your TeX file leads to a good pdf document by compiling it using the style file QFS2010abs.sty, before sending your Abstract.
E) Send the TeX file of your Abstract as an attached document to
The subject of your e-mail should be :
<last name of first author>_<sorting code>_<theory or expt>
For the example, the Subject of the mail would be : Einstein_QG_theory
QFS2010 Sorting codes and Categories :
TH - Theory of quantum fluids and solids
QF - Normal liquid 3He, 4He and mixtures
SF - Superfluid 3He and 4He
HG - Hydrogen
QG - Cold atoms and molecules – Quantum gases
EX - BEC of excitations
VX - Quantum vortices
HD - Helium hydrodynamics
QT - Quantum turbulence
QS - Quantum solids : growth, transport, dynamics
SS - Supersolids, glasses and defects
LD - Reduced dimensionality, quantum fluids and solids
NM - Magnetic properties of 3He, nuclear magnetism
CH - Charges and quantum fluids
ME - MEMS, NEMS : resonators, cavities, devices
MS - Magnetism, superconductivity, quantum coherence
TE - Techniques : sensors, detectors, methods
OT - Other topics
If you have any questions please e-mail